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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Are You Disciplined?: Simplicity

Years ago while I attending  classes for pastors in California , we pastors were given the book Celebration of Discipline"  copyright (c) 1978, by Richard J. Foster. This well known book, has been ,over the years,  very helpful to many Christians both Laity and Clergy alike.

With that  acknowledgement I would like to offer in my own words,  as best that I may, what I have gleaned from Mr.Foster work"Celebration of Discipline". Mr. Foster's book  speaks to believers about how Christians can avail ourselves of the "Spiritual Disciplines" and grow in the Christian life thru a relationship with Jesus Christ by way of the "Spiritual Disciplines"

Spiritual Opportunities

The Spiritual Disciplines are not Religious Duties,  but rather,  are Spiritual Opportunities that aid in the Christian life and bring us ever deeper intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ and thru Jesus into an ever growing relationship with the Holy Trinity , the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Again,  the "Spiritual Disciplines" do not earn us salvation, our salvation is accomplish thru and by Jesus alone on our behalf. He has accomplished it all for us, Jesus has done what none of us could ever do. Jesus has saved us.

What the "Spiritual Discipline" are, are Spiritual Opportunities for each and all of us to have Communion with our God in times of deep personal intimacy which brings us to see that he is with us and wants us and loves us.

Availing our selves of the "Spiritual Disciplines"  aids the Christin in growing in Christ likeness, this process over a life time is what the ancient Church called "Deification"

Made for Simplicity

God has made humanity for simplicity, yet humanity has found many ways to being complication into their lives, a contemporary translation of the Holy Word of God actually captures this truth from the Book of Ecclesiastes.

'"God made man simple; man's complex problems are of his own making" Eccl:7:29  

The human experience was nerve meant to be this complicated.

Peoples lives in these times are growing so complex. Many have bought into the nation that the more they have, the more life they have. Many spend time and energy all in the desire to acquire , to have better, bigger, whether it is money, position, titles, reputation, lands or bricks and mortar, what ever it is they want to have they strive for it, to have it. The focus is on the having.

The very structure of some persons lives are built upon and around what they want, they have developed a consumer mind set. As this mind set is engaged their lives become a shifting labyrinth of wants and shifting lusts, trying to get more and out do those around them 

there is a given competition over who has the newest,biggest , the best, they become social competitors with others.As this cycle continues in their lives relationships which they have become minimized and sacrificed.
Their Treasures  become of the Earth.

Can Not Serve Two Masters 

Jesus address this very subject as to where our hearts are focused in one of his discourse to the Jewish people and is recorded for us by St. Matthew in his Gospel account.

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" Matt:19:19-21

Jesus continues to expand his comments, citing the temporary nature of things of this life as well as where our affections should be located.

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.  Do Not Worry
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life  (25-27)

 About the Kingdom

Jesus then lifts his audiences view , then and now,  above the things of this Earth and life to that which above, that which is eternal, the things of Kingdom of God. This is where our hearts and minds should be fixed and from here derive all that we will ever need now and forevermore. 

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (33-34)

The Greek word found in St. Matthew's account translated Seek, is Zeto. Zeto means more than just to search out something, it rather speaks to our very being, that which we are filled with or consumed by. It means "to be all about" .

Jesus is telling us that we from the deaths of our being should "be all about" the kingdom of God . Filled with the Kingdom. Ever having our minds set on our Lord Jesus Christ and our lives should reflect this simple truth.

Not Wrong to Prosper

Understand,  that nowhere is the Holy word of God is being prosperous condemned or to be successful and involved in many activities or pursuits wrong or   to own lands or have titles or wealth. What is condemned is  when we set our hearts upon the "riches" or things of this world above our Lord and his kingdom.

It is wrong to serve a "thingdom" or to slaves to an "empire of possessions" ,   that is,  to lets wants for the things of this life to "rule" us, to allow this  will "simply complicate" our lives.

The Scripture tell us that if we prospers not set our hearts upon them or to pursue them and trust in them above our Lord Jesus Christ.

"If riches increase do not set your hearts upon them" Ps:62:10

Inside Out

What is with in, will find its way out.That which our hearts are filled with will be given expression thur our words and actions. If the Kingdom of God fills us the Kingdom of God will come out. If a simple focus upon the Kingdom is within us it will find it;s way out.

Simplicity is an outward life style  of an inward reality.

"God has placed eternity in their hearts" Eccl:3:10

The means that all humanity was created to need a relationship with the Great God. All humanity was born needing Jesus Christ , and many have attempted to fill this void, this need with things of this world. But when this void is filled with Jesus and our minds and hearts are set upon Christ alone then our behavior is transformed , this is the "Deification" the ancient  Church Fathers preached about.

As we grow in this "Deification" this "being all about" the Kingdom our attachments to the things of this world will be noticeably lessened. Our desire for the acclaim and adoration of others diminishes.

This inward transformation take place as we set our hearts upon Jesus, and will effect every aspect of our lives. We become less enthralled to the things of this life and more a servant of our Lord.We become truly and simply free.


As will any and all the "Spiritual Disciplines" we must be careful not to drift into any legalism or "duty bound religiosity" .

 There are some , who in their zeal to disassociate them selves from this world have fallen into the belief  that the simplicity of  life  should manifest in a particular prescribed manner which needs to be rigidly adhered to. Often this works out in the lives those who embrace this ridged simplicity  in a form of Religious Asceticism .

This view often merges grace with self derivation, to produce and maintain Salvation. This is called Ascetic-Grace. In short we must be inconvenienced and and discomfited to please God.

Doing this,  however complicates the very simplicity of the Gospel message about Jesus, for those who embrace this Ascetic-Grace are never certain that they have "suffered enough"  to please God.They are adding to the very Grace of God, implying that the suffering and death of our Lord was insufficient to accomplish our Salvation.


If we have the realignment of our heart's desire which orients us to our Lord Jesus, then we will be free from an over preoccupation with the complicated things of this life. We will know that all things seen and unseen belong to our God. WE will be filled with an inward simplicity that will manifest it's self in a dignified and spiritually life style which places the Kingdom of Lord Jesus above the things of this life this is a life of Godly Simplicity.

Benediction: May each and all of our  hearts be filled with the things above, and let us each be all about the Kingdom of God, today, tomorrow and forevermore,  Amen.

   Rev. Todd Crouch, Pastor The Fountain of Life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
2101 Old National Pike.
Washington, Pennsylvania.

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