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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Being Satisfied

People are looking for something, they have a need, a hunger, a thirst which they can’t quite meet, it is there in every one of us.

 we can look out at the world around us and you can see this need being manifested in the lives of those around us. 

They may not even know that it is there or at least they can’t put it into words but it is there in all of us….It needs to be scarified.

We see those around us looking for an answer to this hunger and thirst. This hunger and thirst , this  need and what to be satisfied  in life,  but so often this eludes them.

Yet it is God himself which has, in his design and purpose, placed this hunger and thirst, this need,  in us all.

“I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God”.Eccl: 3:10-13

An Invitation

God has extended and invitation to all who will freely receive it to have this need satisfied in the only way that truly can be. The Prophet Isaiah speaks of this invitation to all

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost
 .”Isa: 55:1

The Lord God  has offered this so freely, yet so many attempt to secure it through the riches and resources of their own efforts…they try to accomplish this satisfaction , this filling that hunger and thirst within themselves.

Can Not be Bought

Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? (2)

Those things that we attempt to purchase through our efforts will not, in the end, satisfy us.
God tells us what the answer is, and he invites to come to his table so to speak, that place of fellowship of belonging,that place where life is sustained. Here is the best, the greatest  is laid before us all and it will exceed any of our expectations.

“Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good and you will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me;
Listen, that you may live”. (3)

As the Palmist wrote, “taste and see that the Lord is good

What is David’s is Our’s

I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David. See, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a ruler and commander of the peoples.”(4)

The very covenant that God made David he makes with us, we share in it. Yet we are not to keep this to our selves. The message about Jesus is to be given to any and to all through our living proclamation of the Gospel.We all have a part in the participation of this invitation to the world around us.

Where They Are Wanted

Isaiah writes about the invitation to come to the Lord’s Table to those around us , this place in Jesus where they can find the fulfillment that all humanity has sought for. This place of being loved wanted and included by the Great God all through his Son Jesus.

Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you,
because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor.” (5)

The splendor that the Prophet refers to is the Lord Jesus Christ living in and through us, which is we participating in who he is, and the world around us sees it.

Through our lives we can encourage other to come and find that fulfillment that brings with it a transformation of our lives. A renewing of our souls.

“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near". 

In Christ and through the Holy Spirit he is near to us all, and offers us to experience the grace which is freely given to all.

Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” (7)

 Exceeds Any and All Expectations 

 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”. (8-9)

Paul wrote “who can know the mind of God

What God, through Jesus,  is including and inviting us all to is beyond anything that we can grasp. It exceeds anything that we can imagine. It is higher greater and more fulfilling then any of the things of this life.
The Holy Spirit

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater,” (10)
so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”. (11)

When we hear the Gospel about  Jesus, that he ,as the living Word of God , came and  when we believe we then experience this  salvation  , God through the Holy Spirit dwells with us and refreshes our very souls and fills us with belonging that all seek and  satisfies us and completes us  makes us whole in Jesus.

We personally enter what the Apostle Peter in Acts called the “times of Refreshing

Paul again wrote to the Church at Colossi, “in him you are perfect”, the Greek word means complete, or whole.

A Joy Fills Us

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the juniper, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the Lord’s renown,  for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever.”(12-13)

When we embrace all that the Lord has invited us to, we will experience a satisfaction like no other. We will rejoice and praise him. We will find all that we ever hungered or thirsted for satisfied in Jesus.  It will fills us now and forever more 

When we , or any one accepts the invitation and come to the Lord's table we can be forever assured that we will never leave unsatisfied...  Amen

Rev.Todd Crouch, Pastor 

The Fountain of Life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
2101 Old National Pike.
Washington, Pennsylvania.
The Fountain of Life is heard  on the RKP Radio Network 1710 and 1670 AM in Washington and North Franklin ,and 1790 AM  in the Arden Fair Grounds area of Washington Pennsylvania, and on 1710 AM in Bentleyville and Monongahela, Pennsylvania. And online around the world at

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Very Brief History of the Church: Part 9

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;"  Hebrews:10:23

Emperor Decius
Roman as an Empire was going though many changes. Many of the peoples with in it's rule were
turning away from the ancient practices and tradition that many believed had made Rome the power that it had become.
Roman Empire was facing many challenges , confrontations with barbarians on the borders and economical problems.

In 249 AD Decius became the Emperor,  it was his objective to restore the Empire to it's former glory and to reinvigorate the traditions which he believed would accomplish his purpose.

The challenges which Rome faced, Decius believed were direct result of the displeasure of the gods, Decius wish to restore the traditions and thus gaining the favor of the gods they would restore the glory of the Empire.

Turning  Hearts to the gods

Decius polices called for the worship of the gods of the Rome, he wanted to restore the ancient practices to the empire so that the gods would bless Rome. Decius believed that by truing the peoples hearts back to the gods he would be assuring the continuation of the Empire.  those who would not were often charged with treason against the empire.

Predictably the Christians within the empire resisted and insisted in the worship of Jesus. Decius did not want to create a new group of martyrs, he knew that the bravery,  by which Christians fifty years earlier  faced death inspired many to become Christians and the Emperor did not want to repeat the same thing  again, he did not want the blood of Christians to spring forth in an all new harvest of believers.

The Edict of Worship

Decius' purpose was,  rather to induce Christians to renounce their faithfulness to Jesus and embrace the worship of the traditional gods instead of sending Christians to their deaths he wanted them to submit to his edict which called for the gods of Rome to exulted.

The edict,  which had been  issued called for all peoples in the empire were to give a sacrifice to the gods and then to offer incense to a likeness of Emperor Decius himself.

When anyone complied with the mandatory act of worship of the gods and the Emperor  an,  imperial certificate was  given to reflect that they had obeyed the edict.

When Decius' dict was issued many Christians found them selves unprepared for situation. Christian had been given a period of little or no persecution and now they found themselves presented  with an dict which called for compliance.

The Lapsed

Some Christians were able to obtain counterfeit certificates which passed for those issued by the Imperil government, and manged to escape or elude the authorities.  Some who were unprepared gave in and offered the mandated scarifies, others resisted for a time but when arrested and brought before the Roman authorities gave into the pressure and complied. Those who conformed to the edicts' demands and gave in were called the Lapsed 

However, there was  a large number of Christians who steadfastly remained faithful and refused the edict, some  even unto death. They would deny their Lord Jesus Christ.

There were, during this period,  actually only a few Christians killed, Decius wanted to avoid making new martyrs Rome wanted these Christians to forsake their faith in Jesus and turn to the gods of Rome. 

Origin one of the leaders of the Church during this persecution was arrested and subjected to torture. This   persecution was not as others in the past which occurred sporadically but this was coordinated and orchestrated by the government.    

The Confessors

Those who held firm to their faith in Jesus and confessed him even under great stress became known in the Church of that time as Confessors. These confessors held firm under great and crul torture yet they did not suffer martyrdom  but rather lived through the persecution.

  The Confessors became an honored group who inspired the Church to hold fast to the faith those who did not were viewed Lapsed and apostates.

Comes to an End

This time of testing of the Church came to and end, Dacius died .Then in 251 AD Gallus an associate  of Dacius came to the throne which began the persecution again until he was taken prisoner of the Persian Empire bringing about a period of relative peace in the Church for time.

With end of the persecution, which in the scope of time was relatively short yet sever , it created a condition and situation with in the  Church which needed to be addressed. The Lapsed, those who  followed the edict of Dacius and offered the prescribed sacrifice to the Roman gods and burned incenses to the Emperor's likeness now wanted readmission back into  the fellowship of the Church.

This question demanded a resolution. There were many factors which had to be considered, not all who were Lapsed had weakened to the same degree some had given into some demands of the edict wile refusing other portions of it. Others weakened momentarily and regained their strength and suffered?

Also what about those Christians who had obtained forged certificates of compliance and who avoided all pressure from the state should they be allowed to continue in fellowship?

These challenging questions and others caused the debate to seemed beyond the means of the Church leadership to resolve adequately. Some felt that the Lapsed should be refused readmission to the Church fellowship again. Others believed that readmission should be conditional. Some felt that forgiveness should be extended to the Lapsed  and they be given admission to the Church.

Unable to find a course of action that answered the questions,  it was then suggested that the Confessors be brought into the discussion. It was believed  and hoped that the strength manifested by the Confessors  and the honored place which  they held with in the fellowship of the Church would qualify them to speak to this situation.

Many of the Confessors from Northern Africa began to restore many of the Lapsed into fellowship. This readmission of some of the Lapsed caused anger and resentment on the part of some  Bishops citing that only the Church leadership held position and  the authority to readmit those who had not held faithful.

Others within the Church believed that Confessors and the Bishops needed to be more ridged  toward the Lapsed.

Cyprian and  Novation

The issue caused two Bishops  to have central roles in the controversy, Cyprian and  Novation.
Bishop Cyprian had been converted to Christianity at age forty.  Cyprian was a  trained orator and debater and had been ordained a Bishop in the city of Carthage shortly before the persecution began.

When the persecution arose Cyprian attempted to find a safe place from which to lead the Church under his care. Some believed that his actions were designed to save himself rather then to be able to lead the congregation in spite of the fact that he offered his own life up for martyrdom.

Some in the Church were now asserting that the Confessors at Carthage had more authority to  speak on behalf of the matter regarding the Lapsed, than Cyprian did.

Many of the Confessors had a very gracious policy toward the Lapsed, they believed that the Lapsed  should be readmitted to fellowship with nothing more than a public declaration of repentance .

Some of the  Elders in Carthage who wanted more control over the Bishops in the congregations side with the Confessors which created division with in the Church in Carthage.

 Council of Carthage

The divide became  so tense that Bishop Cyprian called a council to resolve the question and restore unity. The Bishops gathered together and discussed the Lapsed questions and the resulting schism.
After deliberating on the matter the council. 

The result of the council were that those who were able to obtain certificates without having offered sacrifices to the Roman gods would be readmitted to the fellowship of the Church. Those who did offer sacrifices to the gods would only be readmitted upon their "death beds"  or if another persecution came they could then demonstrate their faithfulness by remaining faithful through any forthcoming persecution. Those however , who did not repent of sacrificing to the Roman gods would never be readmitted to the fellowship of the Church.

The councils resolution affirmed that it was the Bishops who held the authority with in the Church to make decisions not the Confessors regardless of their place of esteem which they held among the Church. The decision put an end to the controversy but the divide lingered for some time to come. 


Bishop Novation held a more unbending view of the Lapsed which intensified the  controversy. Novation had disagreed with Bishop Cornelius at Rome and with the leadership of the Church. Novation's view was that the Lapsed were being allowed back into the Church far  too easy . 

The disagreement between Bishop Novation and Bishop Cornelius created a rift smiler to one from an earlier time in the Church when Hippolytus had a disagreement with Bishop Calixtus . Hippolytus felt that those persons  caught in fornication were being brought back into fellowship far too easily  and that they should have been more earnestly proven to be faithful. This disagreement caused a divide in the Church, now again a difference of opinion brought a clash and division with in the Church.

The issue revolving around the Lapsed was one of the main causes of concern for the Western Church which had the effect of causality and produced a system of Church governance that cenetries latter would be challenged and sparked the reformation.

To Be Continued......

Rev.Todd Crouch, Pastor 

The Fountain of Life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
2101 Old National Pike.
Washington, Pennsylvania.
The Fountain of Life is heard  on the RKP Radio Network 1710 and 1670 AM in Washington and North Franklin ,and 1790 AM  in the Arden Fair Grounds area of Washington Pennsylvania, and on 1710 AM in Bentleyville and Monongahela, Pennsylvania. And online around the world at

Thursday, July 10, 2014

No Stones Thrown

"And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you." John:8:11

The religious crowd moved by the religious leaders of the day brought a frighten woman to Jesus , she had been caught in not just an act of sin, but a life of sin.

There is no doubt as to her guilt,  she was discovered in sin , there is offered no defense on her behalf.  There is no mistake she was guilty and now she was brought to Jesus as he taught in the Temple.

The religious leaders , who's whole function was to safe guard and follow the Law wanted to see what Jesus would do with such an obvious sinner as this woman.

"Early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people were coming to Him; and He sat down and began to teach them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, and having set her in the center of the court, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. “Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?” They were saying this, testing Him" John:8:2-6

 Obvious Guilt 

Jesus does not dispute this woman's guilt and apparently nor does she. This woman  seems to be aware  that the charges against her are legitimate. She is guilty of sin there is no way to deny it.

Jesus himself does not argue her case, he seems to understand who and what this woman is. Jesus also does not inquire as to the where-abouts of the man involved either,  after all it is the woman whom the religious leaders  have brought to Jesus, not the man who was involved as well.

Jesus also is very aware  as to why the religious leaders have brought and accused this woman to him. Jesus understand their motivation and true intent. Jesus knows that they are uninterested in justice or holiness, he knows that they seek power and are attempting to discredit Jesus or gain control over him.

What the Law Says

The Scribes and Pharisees leave no doubt as to what they want.  This woman's   accusers  immediately quote the Law  which is from both Deuteronomy:22:22 and in Leviticus:20:10  , which says that adulterers should be put to death. 

In their understanding, is clear as to what should transpire next.  It is strange,  given the Scriptures to which the religious leaders turn to , that some how the man who was involved in the sin is not present or is being overlooked for some reason, for the Law calls for the death of both man and the woman.
"they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act. “Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women; what then do You say?"  (4-5)

Jesus' reaction however was not what they expected nor wanted.

"But Jesus stooped down and with His finger wrote on the ground. But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” (6b-7)

Jesus then turns his attention back to the dirt in which he had been writing. He lets the force of his words set into the hearts and minds of the assembled crowd. Each of them are silenced by Jesus  and begin to remove them selves from the scene leaving only Jesus and the woman alone in the center of the court.

"Again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. When they heard it, they began to go out one by one, beginning with the older ones, and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court. Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.(8-11)

Not Condemned

After the woman's  accusers are gone,  it just Jesus and her in at the center of the temple court Jesus then straightens up and address her personally.

 Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?”(10)

  She answers Jesus,  realizing that she has been speared from death as the Law would have dictated.

  She said, “No one, Lord.”(11a)

Jesus' answer to her is simple but powerful, he does not lecture her,  nor in any way berate her but simply confirms what is now true for her; she is saved from a terrible death all through grace inspite of here sin and guilt .

 She is uncondemned as fast as the Law would have condemned her  Jesus saved her.   Jesus does add,  however,  that her being now free from death,  calls upon her to be transformed and live anew.

"And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more." (11b)

Who was/is This Woman?

Many  have wondered over the years as to who this woman might have been and what her name may was. Who was she?.....The answer is she is all of us this is why , John does not record her name in his narrative of the Gospel ,  so that we might insert our selves into her situation.  

 Each and all  of humanity have sinned.  We have all been caught in the sin of spiritual adultery against the great God who alone is worthy of our worship and love. We are all sinners and as such the Law, just as with the woman,  would  have  claimed our lives. 

The Law, Our Need for Jesus

 The religious leaders, the Scribes and the Pharisees , acted out just what the Law  , with it's demands was designed to do in the first place;  it defined sin  . The religious leaders brought an obvious sinner to Jesus. In spite of their motives this was the very best thing that possibly could have happen to this woman, and to each of us as well.

The Apostle Paul wrote of the Law's purpose to the Church Galatia. There were some who had entered the Church and were attempting to merge tenets of the Old Covenant Law with the grace of Jesus Christ.  The Apostle found it needful to write  to them and clarify the purpose of the Law to them, and to us. 

"But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor." Galatians:3:23-25

 The Law with it's demands brings us to Jesus, the Law lays bear all of our obvious sins. Many may shrink back,  from the idea of this stark revelation of their sin,  but being confronted with Jesus is greatest blessing that we could possible experience. 

Jesus  knew exactly who and what this woman was and did . Jesus was not shocked by her or us. Jesus knows just what we all are, yet he say's to us when we are brought before before him stands before us. The Law which defined sin,  has, like the religious leaders  left the scene,  and the voices which called for death and condemnation have now fallen silent. We are like, the woman , are  left alone at the center of the Temple courts with Jesus. 

 The Law which called for justice and the death of sinners has now fallen silent. For the letter of the Law would have claimed her life and all of us in our sins.

"But if the ministry of death, in letters engraved on stones" 2Corinthians:3:7

Paul mentions as well,  that now the Law which would have brought us death has been replaced by the Spirit which brings life; we like the woman are not condemned ;the Law has no power over us.

"not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (6)

At the Center of the Court

After the religious accusers have left,  this woman finds herself in the center of the Temple court alone with Jesus. 

"and He was left alone, and the woman, where she was, in the center of the court".(9b)

This is where she and all of find our selves when the demands of the Law have been silenced, we are alone with Jesus at the very center of the Temple court . It was for this woman, and should be for all of us,  a very privet personal encounter with our Savior Jesus. With Law now gone we have Jesus alone.
  I Do Not Condemn You

His grace has saved her and us. But having been saved does not free us to continue our past patterns of behavior. The Grace of God does not give us license to sin with out responsibility, on the contrary the grace of God leads us to be transformed in our living.

 Jesus admonished this woman, and all of us to live anew to put the past sins behind us.

Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.”(10-11)

Jesus is telling all that grace should transform us to lead us to righteousness not grant us freedom to sin as we will. Paul speaks of this same  transforming grace in his Epistle to the Roman Christians.

 "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life" Romans:6:1-4

 We all ,like her , are now free to live and a new life; free of the condemnation of the Law which would have claimed our lives after showing each of us our needs for our Lord. But the Law like the religious accusers  has left the scene; we are alone with our Lord and Savior Jesus who extends to us a new life in his grace.

We are now with Jesus and he gives us his reassurance that we all are the recipients of his grace as he speaks these words to any who would hear them. "I do not condemn you",  for with Jesus there are no stones thrown. ..Amen

 Rev.Todd Crouch, Pastor 

The Fountain of Life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
2101 Old National Pike.
Washington, Pennsylvania.
The Fountain of Life is heard  on the RKP Radio Network 1710 and 1670 AM in Washington and North Franklin ,and 1790 AM  in the Arden Fair Grounds area of Washington Pennsylvania, and on 1710 AM in Bentleyville and Monongahela, Pennsylvania. And online around the world at

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Oracles of God

If it’s not about Jesus, it’s not about anything

(Motto of the Fountain of Life)

Invocation:  Father God, in Jesus’ name we ask for your blessing on this message, that it treats the subject with fairness and respect and that it may contribute to the honor and glory of Jesus. 

SPS:   It is twofold.  1) To explore the advantage of the Jews.  2) To explore the disadvantage of a world without them.  

Romans 3:1-2:  “What advantage then have the Jews?  Or what profit is there of Circumcision?  Much in every way:  Chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.”
1Corinthians 1:22:  “…and the Greeks seek after wisdom.

These two scriptures show two widely different methods of gathering and processing knowledge.  The Greeks sought elemental knowledge through reason and observation.  Here, knowledge begins with man.  In contrast the Jews perceived that knowledge begins with God.  They were the recipients of special revelation through Abraham, Moses, and the prophets.  And that knowledge existed centuries before Christ.  Moreover, through the diaspora of the Jews, that knowledge existed in nations and cultures far removed from Palestine.  And that fact has tremendous importance.  Let’s explore how important. 


The movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” staring Jimmy Stewart is a story about a man who learned what the world would be like had he never been born.  Brethren, for the sake of this message let us apply that literary device to ancient history and construct a brand New Ancient World.  Let’s consider a world in which Abraham had never been born.  That removes Jacob and the Jews from ancient history.  That removes Moses and John the Apostle; that removes Genesis through Revelation; that removes Jesus and the promise of a Messiah.  And since there is no Isaiah nor John the Baptist there is no voice shouting in the wilderness “Make straight the way of the Lord.”  And this lack of a voice removes from the world any explanation of what a Messiah is and why one is needed.     

In this Jacob-less world, lacking the Oracles of God not one soul knows who or what God really is; in this New Ancient World, God, if there is one, is so totally different, totally transcendent from humanity that we cannot understand him or relate to him in any way.  Not one soul understands sin or its consequences, and nobody is expecting or desiring a messiah because there is no perceived need for one.  

 How would this culture receive Jesus if he came to it?  He would not be Jewish because there are no Jews.  He might be Egyptian or Syrian or Asian or Indian or other.  What would this world, which does not know what God is, think of a man who claimed to be the Son of God and preached about a Father God, a Kingdom and sin?  What would they think if He worked miracles?  Probably most would think Him insane and lock Him away.  Many would see His miracles and sense power behind them; they would covet that power and try control Him to their advantage and make Him king.  No one would understand His message.  No one would consider repentance, conversion, grace and salvation because these would all be unfamiliar terms which were never taught before.   

There would be nothing in the whole world to prepare or to condition the culture to receive Him.  He would be alienated from every group in the world because no part of the world could relate to anything He taught.  This alienation is not hostile; it does not occur because of opposition to the message, it just occurs because there is nothing familiar in His teachings.   

There is nothing to reject or accept because there is nothing to which the culture can relate or compare it.  Because there was no “Voice in the wilderness” to alert and prepare the culture about Him, His message would fall upon deaf disinterested ears.  

How are men and women to understand this New Ancient World?  How do they answer the universal question of “What am I?”  What is the purpose of my existence?”   Ancient philosophers looked at their earth and up into their sky and asked, “How did it all begin?”  They reasoned by the familiar visible evidence that a hand of power higher than man existed, but they could not know who or what that power was.  The ancient poets answered these questions with mythologies and created the gods and heroes to fill them.  They created religions not only to explain their myths but also to control both their gods and their people.     

What do you think brethren?  Do you think there is a God?  What is He like?  Why is there evil?  Try to answer these questions, but remember for our exercise there is no Moses; no oracles; no Jews in the world.  The question for each and every individual in the New Ancient World becomes, “What do you think?”  Dear reader use your own reason and observations.  Come up with your answer and plan your life around it.  But remember that your answer is no more valid than anyone else’s.  Look up into the night sky.  How do you think it began?  How did life begin?  What will guide your universe? Cosmic Force?  Random Chance? Aliens? 


Without Jacob in the world the philosophers sought after wisdom and categorized five universal proofs from reason to discover the truth of the reality which surrounded them.    
 Brethren, the five proofs are as follows:
1.       Motion:  there has to be a prime unmoved mover.
2.      Cause and Effect:  Why is there something instead of nothing? 
3.      Contingency:  Necessary or not necessary beings.  Humans are in the process of being, therefore are contingent; not necessary.  However, to eternally BE demands a non-contingent or necessary being.
4.      Scale of Perfection:  If there is good in the world, there is by definition something better.  If there is something better, there is something that is the BEST, which is the singular source of all good.
5.      The order seen in the world.  This is argument by design.  Design required a designer.

Wisdom of man reveals the necessity (non-contingency) of something existing above and beyond the power of man.  What that something is becomes the object of endless philosophies; ever seeking, ever learning; never knowing.  They pride themselves upon their use of reason to guide them in this search.  They think that reason is a part of the soul, but they are not sure what the soul is.  Reason uses logic.  Aristotle categorized the laws of logic.  The laws of logic do not tell us what to think, they tell us how to think or how to reason accurately.  And they work in this bibleless world too.  They are:

1.       The law of non-contradiction.  A cannot be B at the same time and place.
2.       The law of causality or cause and effect.
3.      The basic reliability of the senses.
4.      The analogical use of language.  I love my wife.  I love my country.  I love baseball, mom and apple pie.  Many words such as love are partly alike and partly different.  They are similar but not identical.  We can therefore apply an analogical understanding of a common word to the incomprehensible infinite things and gain a limited understanding of them; such as “God is love. 

There also is the fact that in using our best human reason and logic, we often make the wrong choice as though we were irrational.  A second fact is that when operating irrationally, we may still make the correct choice as though we were rational.  This mutually inclusive situation creates the circle of wisdom where the weakness is not in making the wrong choice, the weakness is making any choice at all.  That is because in this circle any choice or concept of truth is flawed and uncertain.  In this New Ancient World the best humans can do it to guess that there is an unknown something outside of creation that made everything. 


Without Israel in the world the idea of God is a blank slate and is up for grabs.  In this New Ancient World no single poet’s mythology is more or less valid in understanding God or creation than any other.  They would be similar to those found in our history books.   

For example, the Norse tradition, includes melting ice and a cow named Audhumina that licked ice, which created gods who turned two logs into humans.  The Hindu Satapatha Brahmana tradition reads, “Verily, in the beginning this universe was water, nothing but a sea of water.  The waters desired, ‘How can we be reproduced?’  They toiled, became heated and produced a golden egg.”  

 The tradition of Zarathustra taught that Ahura Mazhda created the universe, the earth and all good and instructed men to till it.  But he is only partially omnipotent because Angra Mainyu, who is all death, counter-created evil and contests good.  Many Native American religions claim that they are literally, not figuratively, children of the Earth itself.   

Mythology produced the Phoenician religion of Jezebel of Zidon, which involved state sponsored religious prostitution of both men and women.  In that area of the Near East with a sexually active religion population and no antibiotics, venereal disease was widespread.  Myths inspired the religion of Amon and Moab, which offered the human sacrifice of living children in hideous rituals to the fire God Molech.


Mankind is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27).  Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274) puts it this way.  “God and man share a relationship (as we are his image-bearers), which establishes the use of analogy as a way for finite man to speak about the infinite God.  The ability to reason is included in that image and likeness.  And thousands of years of human history show that human reason is generally reliable despite its limitations as outlined above.  Even those who doubt the existence of God often pride themselves on their reasoning ability.  I believe that reason and logic are integral parts of the image and likeness of God.

Other proposed systems of knowledge must deny one or all of these laws of reason and logic.  The irony is that other systems use these laws of reasoning to prove why they deviate from these same laws.  By definition if a law of reason is denied, that denial is itself unreasonable.  A denial of logic is itself illogical.  Any proof derived from those denials carries the seeds of unreasonableness and illogic in it. 


Theologian Karl Barth (1886 – 1968) demonstrates that everything that we observe; the creation, heaven, earth and all that is in them is not God and God is not the creation.  God is totally other from the creation.  Therefore creation is not the source of truth.  One point to observe is that the bible was not written to for or about engineers, biologists, historians, mathematicians or theologians.  And it was not written by man to explain God. 

It was written by God to people made in His image and likeness, who were created with the ability to recognize Him.  It was written by God to remove speculation about who and or what He is.  He revels Himself as Father and as loving God.  These are not titles of God, they are the relational and intimate functions of one person directed toward another.  What does that mean?  In my case it means that I’ve known and speculated about God and Jesus for years.  However, I knew about King Jesus the same way I knew about General George Washington or about King George III - with academic interest and detachment.  Well brethren I am a sinner, a failure and a fool.  But because of the Oracles of God I’ve begun to personally know Jesus as Savior, Sovereign, and Friend.
The oracles of God illustrate that the best man can do is reason from the creation upward and speculate about what is unseen.  Consider that Aristotle’s thought has influenced the course of civilizations for thousands of years, yet the best truth this great mind could give is that there is an unknown something that put all else into motion.  

 Compare his writings to those of Nehemiah 9:6,Thou art Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preserves them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.”  

 Nehemiah speaks with certainty; he speaks directly to a living entity; he knows God because God interacts through the oracles and removes uncertainty. 

Brethren read Genesis.  You either will intuitively sense a vast difference in scope and purpose from other traditions or you won’t.  This intuition might be the initial working of Faith or the direct calling of God.  If you cannot sense the difference, you will continue your search for truth elsewhere.  Perhaps that search will end with a cosmic cow or a god created in your image and likeness.

Genesis does not add uncertainty.  The Oracles of God removes speculation.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  Here the unknowable reveals Himself, not as a force or process of nature or an accident, but as a being with purpose and power.  The God of Genesis introduces Himself as an omnipotent being who is non-contingent and self-sustaining.  This knowledge is independent of science.  The Oracles of God reveal Him to be personally Lord and Sovereign, caring, good and consisting of Love.  This knowledge is independent of philosophy.  And Genesis reveals more. “By His Word it was created.  The “it” is matter, gravity, electromagnetism, dark energy, Higgs boson particles, life, you, me; everything.  Without these oracles, we must create myths and fables to explain what we see.  Genesis says simply, “Hello child, I am He whom you seek to know.” 

CONCLUSION:  Man reasons from the creation upward to discover a silent God.  The foundation of man’s speculations is man.  Whatever type of god man discovers is corrupt with human imperfection.  The oracles of God reach downward to reveal God.  The foundation of the Oracles is God.  The oracles reveal a God who is not silent, but rather a God who is interactive and relational.  The great value of the Jews is the great glory granted to them by God.  That glory of the Jews resides in their being the point of contact chosen by God to speak downward toward men to reveal Himself.  His oracles reveal to the Jews what is impossible for all the earth to know.  Through the agency of the Jews His reality is witnessed to the world.  God speaks He interacts and uncertainty and speculation are removed.  That revelation continues forever and as the receivers of the Oracles of God, the glory of the Jews continues forever.

The great glory of the Jews is summed up in Hebrews 1:1-2:  “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spoke in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.  Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.”  The tribes of Israel and the Jews received all these truths about God from God.  Through them God speaks to man and removes the doubt and uncertainty.   And the greatest glory of the Jews is that through them, Christ, who is the greatest revelation of God, came into the world.  And that glory lasts through eternity.

Friends, for more information on the mission and the glory of the Jews please see the Apostles’ Creed part 4 of 6 on the Fountain of Life blog page.      

Brethren may the grace and peace of God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior be with you all.

Rev. George Relic, Assistant Pastor
Fountain of Life
A congregation of Grace Communion International 
Washington, PA