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Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Quantum Bible?

 If it is not about Jesus, it’s not about anything

(Motto of the Fountain of Life)

Invocation:  Brethren, please join in prayer:  Father, in Jesus name, we confess our desire for your Holy Spirit.  We submit ourselves to your love and authority.  Please help us to examine certain themes in philosophy and science with civility and respect.  And please lead us to understanding and truth.Amen

SPS (Sermon Purpose Statement):  
 1) Examine the meaning of “nothing.”  
 2) Examine its application to the creation process.  3) Have fun with biblical quantum speculation.

Guiding Principle:  “For what would it profit us to know the whole Bible by heart and the principles of all the philosophers, (Let’s include all the knowledge of quantum theory) if we live without grace and the love of God?”  Thomas a’ Kempis

Motto:  All for the glory of Christ, Jesus.

WARNING:  Speculations into anything other than Jesus can be seductive and become an idol.    In relation to salvation is this question about the when and how of creation a need to know, a nice to know, or want to know issue?  The danger is when the want to know becomes an uncontrollable idol; when we elevate a teaching or a doctrine or even a godly attribute such as love or freedom above Jesus we create an idol in opposition to Him.

Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins are two powerful exponents of atheism.  The recently departed Mr. Hitchens (Dec. 15th, 2011) proposed a rhetorical argument against teleology.  That is the argument that finding design in the universe is a proof of a designer.  The Greek philosophers posed the teleological question this way, “What is the purpose of something?”  Study the design and you determine the purpose.   And there is also an argument from astrophysics.
Hitchens accurately states that the Big Bang (The creation of the universe) is speeding up.  In other words the universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate.  It is not slowing down.  He says, “But we can see the end of it coming.  And while we wait for that we can see the galaxy of Andromeda moving nearer to the collision that is coming with us.  Hitchens focuses on this inevitable cataclysm and posits; “At the macro level is this is the object of a designer?  The unspoken question is what kind of sentient loving designer intentionally designs inevitable destruction into the mechanism.  He continues, “At the micro level 99.8% of all created species are already extinct.   Again the implied question is:  Is this the object of an all-powerful loving designer?  His conclusion is, No, it is not the action of a designer at all because there is no designer, or it is the action of a really bad designer who therefore can’t be Godlike.  He rhetorically asks, “Why ask ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?’ when you can see the nothingness coming?  This rhetorical argument is not a proof of atheism however clever and interesting it may be. 

Astrophysics now maintains that the whole universe, even multiverses, came from nothing.  This is based on the understanding of dark matter in the universe.  Theoretical mathematical models and astrological and laboratory observations indicate that dark matter must exist in order to hold the universe together.  Dark matter exists at the sub atomic level and operates outside the laws of physics.  Mathematical models have been devised to explain operation at this level: quantum theory, string theory and particle theory for example.  These are theories of math, not laws of math.  The argument is that dark matter exists in empty space, therefore it exists in nothing.  There are artist models of an atom showing evidence of dark matter appearing and disappearing in the empty spaces of the atom.  The Higgs Boson particle (A Higgs boson of mass ~125 GeV) has been tentatively confirmed by CERN on 14 March 2013 although unclear as yet which model the particle best supports or whether multiple Higgs bosons exist.  It would explain why some fundamental particles have mass when our current physical understanding should require them to be massless.  In other words, interaction with and in the Higgs Field seems to be the natural mechanism, not a supernatural or created one, whereby mass is assigned to particles; whereby matter appears out of nothing.  Since its source is nothing, it is assumed that it is not created.  These massless particles exist within the fabric of empty space and in the empty spaces within the atom.  It is proposed that they exist therefore in nothing and come to being from nothing.

With that premise, by definition, purposeful design cannot occur because design reflects natural processes which had their ultimate origin in nothing.  Because they are natural processes there is no conscious purpose behind them.  All design was by chance, making us accidents of nature rather than the focus of nature.  Professor Richard Dawkins, in his book, “The God Delusion” also touches upon this subject.  He calls the position of the earth in the universe the “Goldilocks Zone.”  Life exists in this Zone.   His point is that since we are here, we exist.  Our very existence confirms that the process exists, but purposeful design is only an illusion because the process evolved it was not created.  He proposes that design reflects natural processes already extant.  He opposes the position that natural processes were designed to produce us.  There was no purpose or planned end result to the evolving design; design just reflected evolving chemical events and life just happened by accident.  Therefore the process created the design and not that a designer created the processes.  This is the basic philosophical question, does form follow function or does function follow form?

The Importance of Being Nobody
(If everyone is somebody, no one’s anybody:  Gilbert and Sullivan)

Nothing is such an interesting word.  We can use it like Ulysses used "no one".  He told Cyclops that his name was “No One.”  That gives a positive identity to a real entity.  When the gods asked Cyclops who harmed him, he said “No one did this to me,” indicating "nobody".  So when I say nothing can exist do I mean that there is nothing that can exist, or do I mean nothing does exist; but if it exists it has some being and if it has some being it is something not nothing.  That confusion complicates any discussion of creation.

This next point is important.  The terms “nothing,” “space” and even “empty space” are entirely different concepts.  Well-reasoned and mathematical argument indicates that something can come from empty space.  Models show the dark matter and dark forces popping in and out of the matrix of the space inside an atom.  Then this is loosely described as activity in nothing and therefore that something can come from nothing.  However, philosophically if something exists in empty space; that means that empty space is not empty nor is it nothing.  It is something.  It is the medium for containing the dark matter. 

Our minds allow us to make sense of the impossible and construct a nonexistent condition that gives clarity to certain proposals.  For example:  Imagine the time 1 hour or 1 billion years before time existed; prior to the big bang.  What was there?  Imagine being located on an observation station located in infinity, some distance away from a point, which did not yet exist and which was in time to become the point of singularity.  Imaging observing the big bang and watching it approach your station.  Imagine retreating from the approaching boundary while still being located in infinity outside of time and watching time approach and seeing space being created behind the boundary as it passes through the infinity you just vacated.  You do not age because you are still outside of time but you are watching time approach toward you and watching the time pass by the former point of singularity giving it and its parts age.  The concepts presented are easy to visualize and it sounds real, BUT none of it takes place in reality.  It is created by language and imagination to accommodate our limited understanding.  This example takes our minds outside of the known universe and allows us to stand outside the boundary of time and space while still using our finite abilities to apprehend it.   The concept of “nothing” has similar difficulties of meaning, understanding and comprehension and apprehension.  Perhaps the concept of quantum does too.

   Perhaps the philosopher was nearly correct when he said that “Nothing is that which rocks dream of.  According to this definition “nothing” is certainly not space.  “Nothing” by definition cannot be defined as "anything" because it is 'nothing".  Whenever we say that “nothing is…;” we assign meaning to it and make it something.  Even to say that “I’m doing nothing” or that “nothing is nothing”* is incorrect because to give it meaning is to make it something, which makes it not "nothing".  It sounds convoluted.  Perhaps “Nothing” is properly a transcendent concept which is not understood by humans but nonetheless, to say that “nothing is nothing” is a workable construct giving useful meaning to other finite or perhaps even infinite concepts.  Space is something therefore it is incorrect to say that nothing is space.  Space is emptiness, space is a lack of matter; space is the location of the universe and space is a medium containing dark matter and dark energy.  Each of those definitions make space "something", not "nothing".  God created ex-nihilo.  That is creation out of "nothing" as opposed to creations from existing stuff or creation from within a point of singularity located in an already existing eternal medium called space.  

[*NOTE:  My computer spell check red-lined the term, “nothing is nothing.”  It suggested that the phrasing should be “nothing is anything.”  The computer corrected my statement and suggested an impossibility as a solution.  That was interesting.  (AI - O; Man - 1)]


 Astrophysicist Lawrence Krauss said that In quantum gravity there is no preexisting free space, it is just created.”  That is a very easy sentence to understand.  What does it mean?  It seems that Krauss is saying that “nothing” can exist before space exists; and by usage they, "nothing" and space, must be different entities.  Despite the infinity of space, space seems to have had a finite time for its creation.  And the implication is that quantum gravity is always there, even if there is no space.  What is this gravity?  Did it come from itself?  Is it eternal?  How?  The sentence now seems hard to understand.  Perhaps the mathematical theoretical models do not translate into reality.  I am just making an observation here, not making an argument, not criticizing the math; just asking what the words mean that explain the math.  Are they language of accommodation?  If yes, do they reflect reality or just a concept of reality?  Just asking!

What mechanism did God use to create the universe?  It was His voice, His word as He spoke it into existence.  But consider, does God have a voice box to produce sound.  Was there air to produce vibrations to produce sound?  Of course not.  God’s voice in this passage is metaphorical and anthropological.  It is the language of accommodation allowing the finite to comprehend the infinite.  What then was the mechanism used to create the universe?  Did God create and use the quantum?

Consider Jesus appearing to the Apostles after the resurrection.  The doors were closed and Jesus appeared.  We are conditioned to regard the doors as the solid reality, and Jesus’ resurrected spirit body as ethereal, not real in a physical sense; and that He passed through the door like a vapor.  Perhaps Spirit is the solid reality and the door only the imitation of reality and was like a hologram to Jesus.  In any event, scripture indicates that the atomic structure of Jesus’ body changed at several levels.  

[NOTE:  Many will ask is this story also language of accommodation?  The answer is no.  Its literary genre is historical, not poetic, not prophetic and not apocalyptic.  It is written from first person eye witness accounts.  The genre itself states that the several authors’ intention was to convey fact not symbolism.] 

Wherever God is; there is something and that is His Spirit.  Spirit is real.  Therefore since God is everywhere, in absolute terms “nothing” does not exist.  His Spirit touches, surrounds and permeates everything.  Following His spoken word bringing all into existence, could His initial touch itself be a secondary creation event interacting with newly created material producing the quantum world as a result?  Just as hot steel is tempered when placed into water, perhaps the newly created matter was tempered when in contact with the Spirit of God.  We don’t know how the actual confluence of spirit with matter effects physical things.  Perhaps it is the mechanism that gives new life or rebirth to the flesh.  Perhaps it is the prime mover in the quantum experience. 

Please remember this is our fun with speculation, not selling my doctrine.  It is not fiery intellect and searing logic, it is just fun.  There is no need for the religious or the seculars to take up arms or march against Masontown.  Let us consider as an unproven assumption or theory that space itself was created before the beginning of the beginning to host the point of singularity, which became the big bang.  This theory does no violence to Genesis in respect to maintaining God as creator.  Nor can I see it doing any violence to quantum theories since the final results and mechanisms are the same.  Consider that there was a time when space was not.  Of course, that sentence is meaningless yet we intuitively understand the concept being presented and it seems to be in line with quantum theory.  Yes, let us consider a time when space was not.  In other words, let us consider a time before Genesis 1:1 when there was nothing, not even space.   
From this linear time sequence of 5 events:

 1) of being before nothing, being before there is a quantum gravity, before there is a Higgs Field;  
2) of being before there is space to contain a Higgs Field; 
3) creating space concurrent with Higgs Field;  
4) creating matter to fill space and energy to run it; 
5) creating dark matter and dark energy to fill the Higgs Field and quantum gravity to run it; it follows that the validity of the observation that something cannot come from nothing, and the validity of the question, “Why is there something instead of nothing?” is still relevant.  

 This time sequence also makes relevant the questions: Why is there dark energy instead of nothing?  Why are there Higgs Boson particles instead of nothing?  They are relevant because “nothing” is not space and it is space where these phenomena exist.  They do not exist in nothing, nor do they come from “nothing.  It may be scientifically more correct to say non-scientifically that they seem to appear from nowhere.    

Some assume that space is eternal and that it existed with the same properties as it has now and it possessed them prior to the big bang.  With that assumption in hand, many claim that the mechanism of space filled with dark matter will always tend to produce matter.  Hence, something is produced out of nothing.  That is still false.  Something is produced from a mechanism in empty space, something is not produced from nothing. 

God is transcendent.  God dwells (again, God dwelling is language of accommodation for a finite creature to relate to an infinite one) beyond the universe, and beyond space, beyond time, beyond quantum gravity.  Dwelling beyond space and time is a difficult concept.  That would make God infinitely powerful.  That is a possibility that Dawkins believes to be virtually impossible statistically.  Because the universe in which we live is already nearly infinitely improbable, a god who could make and control it would have to be again infinitely more infinitely* improbable than that which He created, making the probability for His existence virtually Zero.   
*[NOTE:  ∞ x ∞ = ∞.  That is a workable mathematical expression, but does it have any meaning in finite reality?  How close can anything come to be nearly infinite without being infinite? Professor David Lane Craig points out that math has certain rules and conventions to prevent contradictions from occurring.  In transfinite arithmetic the inverse of operations of subtraction and division are prohibited because they lead to contradictions.]

And here is a great mystery, which science cannot understand, nor indeed has the language to even form an opinion:  God is also imminent.  He dwells with us, we finite creature.  And it is this intentional imminence of God with us that reveals knowledge which science can never discover.  And that is why Jesus came down to us, to reveal the Father.  (See the article “Genesis, What Do You Think” in the April 2013 drop down box on this page.)

I am an ordained minister and a preacher of the Word of God.  If I have ever said anything under the influence and power of the Holy Spirit this is it:  Look to Jesus as the author and finisher of your faith and all these other things will sort themselves out.  Resist the lure of endless genealogies and speculations.  Just have fun with them. 

May the love and grace of God our Father of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be with you all.

Rev. George Relic, Assistant Pastor

Fountain of Life Church

2021 Old National Pike

Washington, Pa 15301

A congregation of Grace Communion International

PS:   I know that Senior Pastor Crouch would want me encourage you to go to church this week.  So go, and feel free to drop us a line.  God bless!

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