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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Jesus in the Storm

In the Gospel accounts we can read of the  miracle of our Lord Jesus, Who  we see, in the midst of a raging storm walking on the water, but this is not just for the Disciples who were there 2000 years ago but for all believers through out the ages.

Just after the feeding of the 5000, we read "Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd." Matthew:14:22.

So Jesus sends His disciples out on to the Sea of Galilee. Now the Galilee sat in a creator like depression , and was subject to sudden and rather violent  storms. The Disciples were undoubtedly familiar with these sudden storms ,having spent their life in and around the sea.They set out late as darkness drew on as they rowed their way into the dark night a storm blew up. They were already too far along to turn back, their only choice was to go forward and face the raging sea.and the winds that blew hard against them.

"but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it."  Matthew:14:24

He Sent Them

Yet even as the disciples strained as they  rowed , Jesus' eyes was on them, there in the darkness and the buffeting waves and turbulent waters they were never beyond Jesus' view.

"When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them" Mark:6:47-48

The disciples, try as they might could make no progress in moving forward, even late into the night. It is here after a long time of struggling there in the darkness that Jesus comes out to them

Comes to Them

Matthew:14:25- "At the fourth watch Jesus came out to them walking on the water" - but even as Jesus comes into the midst of their situation they do not recognize that it is He.At first they interpret His presence in their situation  as something evil- in verse 26)- "when the disciples saw Him walking on the water they were terrified "Its a ghost they said" and cried out in fear"

The account in Mark:6:48- we find this interesting statement " He was about to pass them by"

Do Not Be Afraid

There in the midst of their storm Jesus comes to them and speaks the most often repeated admonishment in all the Scriptures  and Matthew:14:27- "Do not be afraid it is I"

Verses 28) tells us that Peter wants to believe that His Lord is with them here in this dark storm, and begs that Jesus bid him to walk upon the turbulent sea, Jesus' simple answer is for Peter to 29)-"Come" Peter takes these  fledgling steps of faith and as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus , Peter could do the impossible, he walks on stormy sea.
But when the waves roar and the wind hows, Peter's focus is drawn away from Jesus and he begins to sink
29-30"Lord, save me!"as Peter sinks he cries out to Jesus who immediately reaches out to save Peter. "You of little faith why did you doubt?" is Jesus' gentle rebuke. When Jesus and Peter get back into the boat a calm ensues, Matthew:14:32-33- and they worshiped Him, saying "truly you are the Son of God"
This was the point, so that they might see this truth that Jesus is the Son of the living God.

For Us in Our Storms
This is not just an account of what happened to the disciples alone, this is all of us in that boat   amidst the wind and waves and darkness. There are time when our Lord Jesus may send us sailing into the darkness facing storms which buffet against us to the point where we think that the small boat of our lives might be swamped , yet just as Jesus' watched them His loving eyes are upon each of us, even as we strain at the oars hoping to make head way in the face of raging waves. 
But then after we have struggled He comes to us, we may like the apostles, misinterpret Jesus' presence in the situation and may even feel that He is about to pass us by, but it is here that He comes to us and calls to do the impossible and walk upon stormy seas. And  if we will but just step out of the boat and keep our eyes on Jesus we can do just that. And if by chance, we become distracted by the conditions around us and begin to sink beneath the waves, He will reach out and save us.

When He Gets in Our Boat
Jesus Himself may at times send us into stormy weather , that we might learn to keep our attention fixed upon Him, and when we see Him as the object of our attention we can do the impossible , and walk on water.
He Himself will bear us up and enter the boat of our lives bringing calm and the revelation that Jesus is the Son of the living God.

Another Miracle, Our Destination

We see however another miracle here, often overlooked , in John's account it says that when they were willing to take Him into the boat then they immediately reached their destination, John:6:21.
That is, when we are willing to take Jesus into the boat of our lives and see that He is the Son of the Living God, we then reach the  detestation of all human life. Jesus is that destination of us all. When we come to believe in Jesus then our lives have accomplished everything a life was intended to accomplish, we are at our destination in Jesus.

Jesus Himself sent the disciple into that storm , so that they and we might learn that He is the Son of the living God. Amen

Rev.Todd Crouch, Pastor
The Fountain of Life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
Washington, Pa 
Fountain of Life Broadcast heard on RKP Radio 1710 & 1670 AM in Washington, Pa.and 1710 AM in Bentleyville , Pa. And online around the world at 

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