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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Spirit of Prophecy

 “the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”.Rev:19:10

Some Christians feel that the church, as a whole is not preaching enough prophecy. Some have even left their Churches feeling that they are “going the wrong direction” or that they are losing their effectiveness.

 Or these Christians feel that Churches are preaching too much about “Jesus” and
“blind to what is really happening” in the world at large they declare that we need to be “warning the world of impending doom”.

The powerful prophetic preaching of passionate ministers about a coming Apocalypse resonates with them and thrills them, war, famine, economic collapse and epidemics sweeping over the face of the Earth is to them a message they can support and become immersed in.

The Testimony of Jesus

St. John, while under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw and heard in a heavenly vision the worship of Jesus as the central focus of the divine purpose of God and wrote about the witness of Scripture.

St. John hears the heavenly voice declare:  “the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”. Rev: 19:10

This means, that the very “spirit and or essence” of prophecy is a testimony regarding the person of Jesus Christ. Another way to understand this is to proclaim that Jesus, himself has fulfilled prophecy and that we are to proclaim this truth to the world at large.

When we understand that Jesus is what prophecy is all about then we begin to preach with Jesus as the central focus of prophecy, turning prophecy into a message about Jesus rather than about events.

When we preach an “event” oriented message about what is going to happen and when it is going to happen, then what is inevitable is,  that we diminish Jesus to being a participant in events, albeit the most significant  participant, but none-the-less a participant.   

Jesus, however, is the focus as the object of all of God’s purposes here upon the Earth or in Heaven above.

Fulfilling prophecy!

The Prophet Daniel being given a glimpse into the work of the followers of the Messiah, who had not yet come in his own day, describes the function and the work of the Messiah’s followers.
“those who know their God will do exploits” Dan:11:32

Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible uses the phraseology: “will stand firm and take action”.

The Prophet Daniel  describes the  activities of the Messiah’s followers as “exploits” and that these “exploits” arise out of their knowing their God, that is, out of their relationship with God not just about information about God but relationships with their God.

 Those who have a relationship with Israel’s God, those who come to know God, through Christ will take action- , do exploits, will do good works, cannot be a passive by standers, but are compelled to act and to give the world the testimony about Jesus.


We now, that is Christians, are living after the incarnation and the death and glorious resurrection of the promised Messiah Jesus.  Jesus came to reveal to who God is so that we might know God, the Holy Trinity, the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit.
Jesus came to present to each and all the fullest clearest most perfect revelation about who God is so that we can experiences a deep relationship with God all through Jesus.
Jesus prayed, for all believers throughout the ages, in his High Priestly prayer that all would come to know God, and that this knowing, which is a deep personal relationship is the very essences of eternal life.  

“this is Eternal Life that they may know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”Jhn: 17:3

Eternal life is not just a state or duration of life, but a way and quality of life. This eternal life relationship with God through Jesus is the compelling reason which moves the Christian Church to go forth into the world, whatever the scope of each Christian’s world may be, and do exploits and give that testimony of Jesus.

Christian’s are to proclaim the “good news”, the Gospel through their words and actions giving testimony of who Jesus is and thereby fulfilling prophecy. The Gospel about who Jesus is and the Kingdom of God, is good news.

There are some who sincerely believe that they are called to warn of expending destruction and worldwide dictator is at hand. This is a message of fear, believing and predicting that prophetic events are about to be fulfilled.  

The Gospel is good news that Jesus came and shows us the love of God and when proclaim that good news we are not “predicting” prophetic events we are fulfilling the very spirit of prophecy which is to give testimony about who Jesus is.

Those who know Christ will follow in His footsteps and do as He did! Will take action in the world and give testimony about Jesus.

Greater Works

Jesus said that his followers” would do Greater works” then He did, reaching more people and accomplishing more throughout the ages and over a greater breadth of geography then he himself.

Christ preached repentance, forgiveness and the establishment of the Kingdom of God in the lives of people here and now not just someday. Jesus healed the sick, helped the poor, encouraged people to live Godly lives and to trust God, to know God.
God’s Church, through the ages has, and is doing the same, as the Holy Spirit works within believers in Jesus, the Fruit and the gifts will enable us to participate with our Lord Jesus and do the work of advancing the Kingdom of God into the lives of those around us.

All Christians are called to participate in the “exploits” of give testimony about Jesus. St. Paul wrote of the participation of each and all Christians in this Holy “exploit” of proclaiming the Gospel.

 “each part has it’s work” Eph: 4:16

All of Christians are a part of the work.

St. Peter tells us in his first general epistle.

“show praise” to this dark world. 1Pet:2:9-“

Personal evangelism by our words and actions this is each living out of their relationship with God. As the Christian Church moves through the history and world many will learn about Jesus, the Messiah.

 “will instruct many” Dan:11:32

We Christians, the Church, are called to teach the world about Jesus to give the “testimony” about Jesus to those around us.

God’s people now have the opportunity each and all of us to instruct others by our actions, our words, showing  the Kingdom of God in our lives so that we all  will be able to give a “testimony of Jesus” which Rev: 19:9- calls the spirit of prophecy.

As God, through the Holy Spirit, manifest the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians in powerful ways it will be harder for God’s Church to remain out of sight of this world; we each and all, will be like the “city on a hill” which our Lord Jesus referred to in his great sermon. The Christian Church will be  that illuminated beacon glowing and radiant with glory of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the darkness of the age in which we find ourselves.  

 “a city set on a hill cannot be hid”Matt:5:14-15

Those around us will see the divine love of Jesus among believers giving the very “testimony” about our Lord.

 “all men will know, you are my disciples”Jhn:13:35

Greater works still lie before us- as we fulfill the commission of Matt: 28:19-20- “teaching and making disciples”-preaching repentance to this world, when they receive the good news about Jesus and God’s eternal love for them.

A Time of Harvest

Over the centuries God’s Church has sown the seed around the world through the sending of missionaries ,evangelist , through Churches small and large alike  now the time of harvest is coming on us. Each of us has been given the Holy Spirit to do the work. We are told “lift up our eyes the fields are ready to harvest”. We are called to the harvest.

God’s gospel work may grow beyond anything we ever dreamed of. There is no limit to what God can do through we his people all spring out of our knowing our God through Jesus.

 There is still much to accomplish, and   great “exploits” to be done, as will fulfill prophecy and give our “testimony of Jesus”.

Benediction: May we each and all go forth into the world around and give the glorious testimony about our Lord Jesus, today, tomorrow and forevermore. Amen.

Rev. Todd Crouch, Pastor 
The Fountain of life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
2101 Old National Pike,  Washington, Pennsylvania, 15301 

The Fountain of Life is heard on the RKP Radio Network 1710 and 1670 AM in Washington and North Franklin ,and 1790 AM in the Arden Fair Grounds area of Washington Pennsylvania, and on 1710 AM in Bentleyville and Monongahela,             Pennsylvania. And online around the world at
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                                                                                                           "If It Is Not About Jesus, It Is Not About Anything"                

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