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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rapture History and Theology:Lift off or Let Down?A Trinitarian/Christocentric Study


The  Olivet Prophecy

Using the oratory devices of Hyperpally and  Apocalyptic imagery Jesus gives the general trend of human end time history, with a focus on the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem by the Roman armies  in 70 AD, which began at Pentecost, in which the Church  is an end time phenomena.

The Prophet Daniel had been told seal up the book  until the time of the end though he sought to understand the meaning behind the visions a that were being shown to him.

"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river. And one said to the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, "How long will it be until the end of these wonders?"….Dan:12:4-6

Revealed In the End Time

Daniel,  along with many of the Servants of God longed to understand the meaning and the timing involved in the vision that they spoke and recorded, yet with the coming of Jesus these visions have begun to be made clear, and thru Jesus a new relationship have come Jesus himself spoke of these things which have been hidden from the foundations of the world the very things which Christians are able to experience by and in Jesus.

"Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of the Messiah and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things."1Ptr:10-12

Jesus brought the Revelation of things which had hitherto been sealed up from the very beginning.

  "So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: "I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world."Matt:13:35

Above all in Jesus we find the clearest most perfect Revelation of who God is and this God's love come in the person of his Son so that humanity might know him in Jesus the seals have been broken God's truth in Jesus has been shown. Jesus Reveals God not just events alone.

"All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him".Matt:11:27

  The Day of the Lord

It is clear that the Christians were awaiting the Day of the Lord , but which Day of the Lord did they await? The Day of the Lord is used often in the Old Testament to describe the acts of God in the life of the nation of Israel. Many acts , some of them divine discipline upon the people of Israel for their national sins  of idolatry or against the enemies of  Israel for their unjust oppression of Israel.

So which Day of the Lord did Christians await?.

Paul wrote to the the  Thessalonian Christians that they should not be concerned that they Day of the Lord had come already. If Paul was referring  to the second coming of Jesus , they would need no letter to inform them thusly, for when Jesus was to come "all eyes" will see him ,  they,  along with all the Earth would be very aware of this fact.

It is most likely that the Day of the Lord which Paul speaks of in his  Epistle is the destruction  of Jerusalem which did not occur until 70 AD of this they would need informed of seeing they were located several hundred miles away.
The End Time

So when did the end time begin? In the Theology of John Darby it is still yet to come but the early Church had a very different understanding. It becomes clear that early  Christians saw that in the coming of Jesus  and then the "pouring out"  of the Holy Spirit "the end" had now arrived.That the long awaited "times of refreshing had come" already,  not just some day.

"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord",Acts:3:19

Acts: 2:15-21- Peter quotes the Prophet Joel and interprets the coming of the Holy Spirit as occurring in “In the Last days.”   This is in 31 AD.  The Church understood that it was part of and included in the “End time”.

1Jhn:2:18 - “this is the Last hour” John believed and understood that he was alive in the “Last Hour”.  This was written just about 95 AD.

When Jesus Comes

When our Lord descends from the Heavens to bring in the fulness of the Kingdom of God all eyes will see him,  there is never a suggestion    of a stealth coming he is always seen by all the world after a period of  great difficulty on the Earth.

Matt: 24:27- 31 - The Return of Christ seen by whole world

Mk: 13:24 - Return after the Tribulation

Lk: 21:25-28 - Again the Return is after Tribulation

In Jesus' Olivet Prophecy we are given the sweeping view , it may not have been in Jesus’ intention to highlight every detail,  but He gives us the general indicators of the flow of History - that it ebbs and flows and gathers strength then dies down (the Greek word there literally means “false Labor”) but will at some point however reach a climax that will be characterized by political and spiritual deception. 

This difficult time for humanity will be brought to an end by the Return of Jesus; that is Post Tribulation return – this prophecy – presents some interruption dilemma for the Rapture.  Jesus nowhere hints at it in this over view of human history.

Some point to Matt: 24:32-44 as evidence of the Rapture, saying that we can know the approximate timing of the events at the close of the age.
Vs.33 - “you will see all theses things you know that summer is near, right at the door
Vs.34 -“This generation will not Pass”

What things would be near at the door and be seen?  Those things that were prophesied by Jesus starting with verses 3 to 30. 

Many well-known Theologians have considered that Jesus was speaking to a very specific audience - that is “This Generation” which would not pass away; meaning those Jews at that time 30-33 AD. 

There is strong support in Scripture and History to support this view.  After all, within 40 years of His preaching, Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD and went through the events that Jesus described in the Olivet Prophecy of Matt:24, Mk: 13, Lk: 21.

 Taken and Left

The Rapture views Matt: 24: 36-44 as evidence of Jesus including the Rapture in His Olivet Prophecy, where there is described “one taken and one left”.  This section of Scripture is used to prove the Rapture, “no one knows the day nor the hour.   But the context is not believers being “taken” or Raptured, but rather, those who are living in opposition to Jesus Christ at the time of His coming (Parousia) are the “ones taken” (in tribulation).

Vs. 39-42 - the Flood took them, so “Then will be two in a field; one will be taken, and the other left.  Two women will be grinding at the mill; the one will be taken, and the other left.” 

The context is that those taken are as those “taken away” in the Flood of Noah’s; those living in opposition to Christ.  Theses verses are commonly used to support the Rapture but that simply cannot be used here.  It is unfortunate that the context is not checked.

70 AD

The Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, or Joseph ben Matthian or Josephus, wrote shortly after 70 A.D. his work the “Wars of the Jews.  As an eye witness he chronicled that events prior to and during the siege and destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple took on a supernatural quality.  He reports a man who roamed the streets and walls of the city night and day crying out at the top of his voice that judgment was about to fall on the people of Jerusalem, most of which were of “this generation” that heard Jesus and many of them called for His crucifixion.  No one knows who this “prophet” was but he was regarded as being “insane” by the Jews for his apocalyptic proclamations.

He further reports “signs in the heavens”- falling stars – changes in the sun and moon, and many saw “angelic armies” in the clouds- moving across the sky.  During the siege, as the armies of Pompey surrounded the city, the Jews were forced into cannibalism, and starvation. Then the destruction of the Temple and the full sack of Jerusalem were events like none that had ever been.  They were in fulfillment of Matt: 24: Mark: 31 & Luke: 21

Now Josephus was not writing Scripture, and his account is not “inspired” but it is accurate and true to history and does lend weight to the view that the events he described were the fulfillment of Jesus’ words as He spoke the Olivet Prophecy; at least the verses in Matt:24: 3-28.  Remember the “end time” had already been started at the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, so the destruction of Jerusalem was an “end time” event whether it fulfilled the Olivet Discourse completely or not.

 Dispensationalism and Dualism

What do these have to do with the Rapture?  The theology of the Rapture is supported by Dispensationalism and on the concept of Dualism, also called Typology.  That is, it happened once it will happen again.  John Darby, who devised the Dispensational Theology, had to adjust the Rapture doctrine, mainly due to the fact that it was revealed through a dream and not through Biblical study itself. 

Those that embraced Margaret MacDonald’s dream as revelation therefore had to read or interpret Scripture to fit the belief. Could Margret's dream be from God? It is very likely that the source or inspiration  for Margret's dream was the fact that her mother did read her the Rapture pamphlet which had been circulating around Briton, and her high fever which she had at the time.

It is possible.  Acts: 2:17-18- says, “In the Last days (the End time) I will pour out my Spirit on All people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, young men will see visions, old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants both men and woman, I will pour out My Spirit in those days”

Dreams are a legitimate means of Prophesying, and there are Christians may  have this gift .

 The one certainty is this, this is the way the Rapture became a part of Church History.  Either way, John Darby, himself knew that there were problems with the Rapture Doctrine, that the Scripture alone could not fully support it.  After all, centuries had passed with many great Spirit led ministers never teaching it, from the first century,until in the 1500's when it was created as a counter reformation move by the Church of Rome and then widely published  by Darby  in 1827 . 

This presented the problem- you have to believe that it is there in order to see it there; and then find ways to make the Scripture fit.  Mary’s dream provided the means to see it there.  Darby knew this and he and others have struggled with the dilemma that approaching the Scripture at face value without the prejudice of believing in the Rapture, does not of itself lead one to see it there.

But to be fair, it is possible that God Himself has placed the truth in the Scripture and was only a matter of timing when He would reveal it to His Church?  Jhn: 16:12- “I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now.  When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.”  but is it?
 Central Pillars

1 & 2Thessalonians are two pillars of the belief in the Rapture

The Church at Thessalonica was a church that Paul established during his second evangelistic tour of Macedonia Acts: 16-18.  It was the capital of the Roman province; it sat along the Via Egnatia a main commercial rout with a mixed population including Jews.  Paul arrived and preached, and many came to Christ both Jew and Gentile.  After the Church was established Paul, Silas and Timothy left sooner than they had hoped, Acts17:1-9, this was due to opposition from the Jews in the area.  It is likely that Paul wrote the to these new Christians from Corinth as a follow up of the instruction they received from the teaching of Paul, and it appears to have been written within a matter of months of Paul’s leaving the area.


This section of the Epistle is somewhat hard to understand in full, due to the fact that it is Paul’s answer to misunderstanding of his teaching and the language that Paul uses is somewhat cryptic seeing we do not know what he preached to them orally.

Vs. 1-2.  Theses verses are the crux of the discussion which is the Coming of the Lord which Paul deals with in his first letter.  Paul taught that Christ’s Coming was near at hand and seems to believe possibly within his own life time when Christians who are alive “would be caught up” and be with Jesus (1Thess:4:17 & Mark:13:27).

 Thessalonians – By John Stott

“The idea of rapture comes from interpreting the phase “caught up” in 1 Thessalonians 4:17a, “We who are still alive...will be caught up [Greek=harpazo] together with them...” Here is Stott’s comment on this verse:

When I was a new convert, I used to imagine that 'the Rapture' referred to that moment when, seeing Christ face to face, we would be 'enraptured' with his presence, in other words overwhelmed with ecstatic joy. And we do indeed use the word in this sense in some of our hymns:

Oh then what raptured greetings
On Canaan's happy shore!
What knitting severed friendships up
Where partings are no more!
(Henry Alford)

Great things he hath taught us, great things he hath done,
And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;
But purer and higher and greater will be
Our rapture, our transport, when Jesus we see.
(Fanny J. Crosby)

Father of Jesus, love's reward,
What rapture will it be,
Prostrate before thy throne to lie,
And gaze and gaze on thee.
(Frederick William Faber)

In our text [1Thes 4:17] the meaning is different, however.  The English word 'rapture' is derived from the Latin *rapere*, meaning to seize. It corresponds to the Greek verb *harpazo*, which Paul uses here, and which expresses suddenness and violence, as when the centurion ordered his troops to take Paul by force in order to rescue him from possible lynching (Acts 23:10).  Just so those still alive at the Parousia [Jesus’ return] will be 'swept up' (JBP) or 'snatched up' *together with them in the clouds*.  The parallel between verse 15b and verse 17 is impressive.  According to verse 15b 'we who are still alive, who are left...' will not precede the Christian dead.  According to verse 17 'we who are still alive and are left' will be caught up together with them. 

The negative and the positive statements dovetail. So far from forestalling them, we shall join them. The purpose of this violent action (whose agency is not identified) will be not only to unite the Christian living with the Christian dead (*together with them*), but also to unite them with Christ (*to meet the Lord*). Once more Paul's concern is revealed, namely that the living, the dead and the Lord will be together. The truth that the redeemed will *meet the Lord* is expressed by another term (*apantesis*). '

When a dignitary or king  paid an official visit (*parousia*) to a city in Hellenistic times, the action of the leading citizens in going out to meet him and escort him back on the final stage of his journey was called the *apantesis*.

Many details of this heavenly 'meeting' are omitted. For example, there is no reference in verse 17 to the Christian living being 'changed' (as in 1 Cor.15:51-52), any more than there was in verse 14 to the Christian dead being 'raised'.  Both are assumed.  Further, it is not clear how literally we are to understand our being *caught the clouds*.  We know from Jesus himself that his coming will be personal, visible and glorious, but we also know from him that it will not be local ('There he is!' 'Here he is') but universal ('like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other', Lk.17:23-24).  

Presumably, therefore, our going to meet him will also transcend space.  As for *the clouds*, they are to every Bible reader a familiar and easily recognized symbol of the immediate presence of God - at the Exodus (Ex.13:21; 14:19), on Mount Sinai (Ex.19:16; 24:15), filling the tabernacle (Ex.40:34-35), during the wilderness wanderings (Ex.40:36-38), at the transfiguration of Jesus (Mk.9:7), at his ascension (Acts 1:9), and at his glorious appearing (Dn.7:13; Mk.13:26; 14:62; Rev.1:7). The reference to *the air* may be equally symbolic, for it was thought of as the dwelling-place of the devil and his demons (Cf. Eph.2:2).  'The fact that the Lord chooses to meet his saints there, on the demons' home ground so to speak, shows something of his complete mastery over them. '” - John Stott.

to be continued 

Rev.Todd Crouch, Pastor 
The Fountain of Life Church a Congregation of Grace Communion
2101 Old National Pike.
Washington, Pennsylvania.
The Fountain of Life is heard  on the RKP Radio Network 1710 and 1670 AM in Washington and North Franklin ,and 1790 AM  in the Arden Fair Grounds area of Washington Pennsylvania, and on 1710 AM in Bentleyville and Monongahela, Pennsylvania. And online around the world at

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